Your support matters. Thank you!
Because of your kind donations, we are able to continue to provide support to those living on alternative nutrition or receiving long term IV treatments. We’re also able to continue our FEAR events, FEAR Drysuits and donate more FEAR Bears. Thank you.
..There are many ways you can donate..
Sponsor a FEAR Drysuit
Find out more about the difference these FEAR Drysuits are making.
The cost of sponsoring a FEAR Drysuit is £390.
To find out more, please email:
Fundraise for us
So far, your donations have allowed us to:
* Donate over 4,000 FEAR Bears to Children, worldwide.
*Run 2/3 FEAR events a month, across England
* Buy FEAR Drysuits to lend out to children, and adults, living with a central line
*Provided support via Video call, voice call and messages to people who have been affected by artificial nutrition.
*Provided mental health first aid to those in need
* Write personalised Children’s books to support their understanding of their condition.
*Be a ‘pen-pal’ to many Children living on artificial nutrition
*Supported families in booking their first Holiday on HPN